I, Jenny Rangan, have a BA in Fine Arts and an MA in Counseling. Trained in Santa Fe, NM, I have been a licensed massage therapist since 1991, a Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner since 1999, a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist since 2018, and have attended scores of workshops in somatic therapies, creative expressive arts, yoga, movement and meditation. I am currently getting an MA in Art Therapy.
As a Practitioner, I find touching the body to be both sacred and profound. It is an incredible honor to be in the presence of another's journey. In my twenty five+ years of study and practice I have been privileged to touch tens of thousands of people and, reciprocally, my heart has been touched each time. For this I am deeply grateful.
It is my commitment to continually refine my capacity for clear, compassionate and skillful witnessing in order to support and nurture authenticity, empowerment, wholeness, creativity and connection to the wisdom of the body.
I look forward to meeting you.
To see some of my ceramic work go to: www.TheClayBody.com